- com.datomic/datomic-pro "1.0.6242"
- transactor process 0.9.6045
Given the following transaction function definition:
[{:db/ident :demo-throw-fn
:db/fn (d/function
{:lang "clojure"
:params '[db]
:code '(throw (ex-info "demo" {:type (type #{:one})}))})}])
Execute the transaction function in two environments:
- A local environment
- An environment where the transactor runs in a separate process
Regardless of the environment, transaction function runtime errors are thrown.
- In a local environment, execution of the demo function indeed throws an error - in line with expectations.
- In an environment where the transactor runs in a separate process, the transactor times out.
Additional Notes
The hypothesis for the timeout is a second error occurs due to the
(type #{:one})
expression's result not being serializable. Unfortunately, the timeout error does not reveal what was likely known at some point during execution.