When looking at the query group dashboard, it is helpful to know what "state" the ASG was in when referencing the various dashboard metrics. Currently, I must do one of the following: 1) reference these metrics in the ASG monitoring tab (e.g., https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2autoscaling/home?region=us-west-2#/details/my-query-group?view=monitoring), 2) create a CW dashboard of my own, 3) modify the existing Datomic CW dashboard to add this chart. The ASG metrics answer questions like: 1) how many instances was my query group running? 2) was my query group trying to scale out or in? 3) why did my query group not scale out or in?
I would find the following ASG metrics (in order of importance) useful additions to the current query group dashboard.
- In Service Instances (Count)
- Minimum Group Size (Count), Maximum Group Size (Count), and Desired Capacity (Count)
- Pending Instances (Count)