Hi, when I'm executing query in repl in such way:
(d/q "[:find
[?Post ...]
[?Post_value_0 ...]
[?Post :IModel/typeName ?Post_value_0]
[?Post ?Comment_text_value_3]
\"[:find [?Comment_uid_2 ...] :in $ :where
[?Comment_by_text_1 :Comment/text _]
[?Comment_by_text_1 :IModel/uid ?Comment_uid_2]
[?Comment_uid_2 ...]]
\"[:find [?Comment_uid_2 ...] :in $ :where
[?Comment_by_text_1 :Comment/text _]
[?Comment_by_text_1 :IModel/uid ?Comment_uid_2]
[?Comment_uid_2 ...]]
[?Post :Post/comments ?Comment_uid_2]
" (d/db conn) (d/db connComment) #{"Post"})
The next error is returned:
:db.error/not-an-entity Unable to resolve entity: :Comment/text
My supposing is that query inside datomic.api/q is executed for database returned by (d/db conn) but not (d/db connComment) because if I create :Comment/text for the first database from input list then query is executed without errors.
If to avoid or-join and execute the query in the next way:
(d/q "[:find
[?Post ...]
[?Post_value_0 ...]
[?Post :IModel/typeName ?Post_value_0]
[?Post ?Comment_text_value_3]
\"[:find [?Comment_uid_2 ...] :in $ :where
[?Comment_by_text_1 :Comment/text _]
[?Comment_by_text_1 :IModel/uid ?Comment_uid_2]
[?Comment_uid_2 ...]]
\"[:find [?Comment_uid_2 ...] :in $ :where
[?Comment_by_text_1 :Comment/text _]
[?Comment_by_text_1 :IModel/uid ?Comment_uid_2]
[?Comment_uid_2 ...]]
[?Post :Post/comments ?Comment_uid_2]
" (d/db conn) (d/db connComment) #{"Post"})
then query is executed without errors.
Datamic on prem 0.9.6.* version